The Top 10 Reasons to Hire Pat for YOUR Voice Over

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1. Dynamic and expressive

I can instinctively deliver exactly what your read needs. A warm, strong and sincere read; or fun, friendly, and energetic; you decide. I am also open to input and direction from you, the client, so that you get exactly what you are looking for.

2. Over 40 years of technical and persuasive experience

I started using my voice to educate and inform people as a young trial attorney.  Add to that experience in the technical training divisions of some of Silicon Valleys best companies and you have lots of experience to rely on.

3. I can understand and explain technical jargon

Complex and technical issues can be difficult to comprehend.  I have the education and experience to grasp those concepts quicker.  By having a working knowledge of the issue, it is easier to convey to the listener in a way that will stick.

4. Pat will make your job easier

Equipped with my own professional recording studio I can deliver your project on time and on budget.  When projects require, I have full access to a professional recording studio with Source Connect services.  In either case, just give me some initial direction and I will apply my years of experience to your copy and give you the very best take on your script.

5. Pat is affordable and will work within your budget

My primary goal is to be the fast, professional and affordable choice for anyones who needs voice over services.  Simply, I want you to hire me again and again, so my pricing is set to keep you coming back.  When you work with me, you will soon realize that my services are competitively priced and I provide you with exceptional value.

6. This is Pat’s full time profession, so he is always there when you need him

Unlike the vast majority of “voice talent” out there these days, this is my ONLY job !!!  It is what I do every day of the week since retiring from law.  As a full time seasoned pro, you can depend on me to be easily accessible whenever you need me.  This would include weekends and holidays if your project needs it.  When time is of the essence, I have the ability to turn a project around very quickly, in less than 24 hours when it’s really urgent.

7. Whatever your project is, Pat can do it

Examples of projects that I can handle routinely include: radio and tv commercials, all types of narration voice overs (long form, tutorials, elearning, corporate videos, instructional videos, etc...), infomercials, direct response advertising, web videos, corporate presentations, IVR, on-hold messaging, phone prompts, outbound phone marketing messages, political advertisements, webinars and more.

8. Complimentary custom auditions

Simply complete the Online Contact form and provide as much specific information about your project as possible.  Attach your demo script (or a portion) to the form or email it to me.  I will prepare the demo and return to you.  You can then make an informed decision about who to hire.

9. Get a specific quote for services BEFORE making a decision to hire someone

Once again, complete the Online Contact form and provide as much specific information about your project as possible.  Attach your script to the form or email it to me. I will provide a quote that guarantees the project will be delivered at that price.

10. 100% Money back guarantee

If you and/or your client are not 100% satisfied with the quality of work I perform, you have the option to have me redo the job at no additional cost as many times as it takes to get it right.  If at any time you are not satisfied, you do not have to pay (or I will issue a refund).  I am looking to build a long term relationship with my clients and not out to make a quick dollar.  I only ask that you provide some feedback about why you were dissatisfied; that way I can continue to improve my performance and my services.